How does hair loss affect women? Causes & Treatment

How does hair loss affect women? Causes & Treatment

Hair shedding is a part of normal life, with women often finding a few strands of hair in their hairbrush or shower drain. On average, women shed close to 80-100 strands of hair a day, which is considered normal. In many cases, women find handfuls of hair that fall or break off when washing or brushing their hair, which causes quite an alarm. It may seem like a rare occurrence, but research shows that 1 in 3 women experience hair loss or decrease in hair volume at some point in their lifetime, making many seek out treatment. Here’s what you should know about hair loss in women.

What are the symptoms of hair loss in women?

Losing a little bit of hair per day is absolutely normal, and no reason for worry. Look out for these signs that might indicate you have hair loss.

  • Widening of the part on your scalp
  • Patches of thinner or missing hair
  • Greater than normal hair loss
  • Decrease in volume of ponytails
  • Seeing hair break off regularly

What are the causes of hair loss in women?

There are numerous hair loss in women causes, depending on each person’s family and medical history, as well as lifestyle.

Family history
Hair loss can be hereditary, which means it is passed down generations of your family. Typically hair loss in young women, especially starting with a receding hairline is often due to genetics.

Poor health
Iron or Vitamin B12 deficiency is known to cause extreme hair loss in women. Hormonal imbalance due to conditions such as thyroidism, PCOD, etc. can also lead to hair loss. Poor nutrition, such as lack of proteins could be another cause of the condition.

As we get older, our hair gets thinner, eventually leading to hair loss. Hair loss in women above 50 is prevalent, especially as they enter into menopause.

Stress is known to cause hair loss, especially in today’s faced paced world. The androgen levels increase due to stress, causing hair to fall out. Moreover, stress can lead to issues such as poor nutrition, dandruff, etc. which also cause hair loss in women.

Regular intake of antibiotics and other medication is known to cause hair fall in women. Moreover, chemotherapy is a leading cause of hair fall in cancer patients.
How to treat hair loss in women?
Depending on the severity of the condition, there are various hair loss in women treatments that you can opt for. However, it is essential to visit a hair specialist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Improve your nutrition
Include more proteins and carbohydrates in your system, which promote hair growth and strengthen the hair follicles. Adding supplements to your daily diet also gives you the vital nutrients required for healthy hair.

Over the counter medication
The hair specialist may recommend certain oral or topical medications to prevent moderate hair loss. However, in severe cases, a deeper intervention may be required.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
PRP treatment uses a patient’s own blood to promote blood circulation and supply essential nutrients to the scalp, to promote hair growth and overall health of the hair follicles.

Mesotherapy involves injecting nutrient-rich liquids into target areas on the scalp, which supplies the vitamins and nutrients required to enhance the growth of hair.

Hair Transplant
Hair transplant is a great treatment for bald spots, where healthy hair follicles are transferred from a healthy part of the scalp to a bald spot, to promote new hair growth.

Though it can be devastating, hair loss doesn’t mean the end of the world, and can easily be controlled and treated by a hair specialist. Thinning in the hair should be looked at by a professional, not only for cosmetic reasons but also due to the fact that hair loss could indicate a larger health issue that is unchecked. When it comes to treating hair loss in women, it is advisable to start sooner rather than later, for the best chance at success.

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