Fertility Test

Fertility Testing

If you are your partner have been trying to conceive, but are unable to, it may be time to get tested for any fertility problems that may be causing unsuccessful conception. Many couples across the world even take fertility tests before trying to conceive, to ensure that they are fertile enough to have a baby without any issues standing in the way. Fertility testing helps diagnose any problems that may be causing infertility, and treat it as soon as possible, in order to help couples avert any complications and fulfill their dream.

What is Fertility Testing?

Fertility testing in Pune, India takes into consideration lifestyle, age, medical health, and more, apart from determining the fertility of both partners. There are a number of tests that may be conducted as part of fertility testing, depending on your concerns.

  • Blood Test: Blood tests help evaluate hormone levels, such as those of testosterone, thyroxin, androgens, etc. They can also be used to determine ovarian health with FSH testing.
  • Laparoscopy: In case of symptoms pointing to Endometriosis, Laparoscopy may be conducted.
  • PAP smear: This can be used to diagnose cervical cancer or STDs.
  • Semen Analysis: A semen analysis helps to detect any abnormalities such as low sperm count, low sperm quality, etc. in the male partner’s semen.

Depending on your symptoms, various other tests may also be conducted.

What are the benefits of Fertility Testing?

There are a number of Fertility Testing benefits for couples:

  • Helps in detecting conditions such as PCOD, Endometriosis, etc. which may be hampering female fertility
  • Diagnoses issues with semen or hormones in males
  • Early diagnosis can lead to timely treatment
  • Ruling out fertility problems during screening allows for easier conception
  • Determines if pregnancy and childbirth is likely to be safe for you

Who can opt for Fertility Testing?

Generally, fertility testing is sought out by couples who are:

  • Above 35 years and have been unable to conceive for more than 6 months.
  • Below 35 years and have unsuccessfully been trying to conceive for a year
  • Planning to conceive and wish to rule out any issues
  • At risk of fertility issues due to lifestyle or medical factors

What is the process of Fertility Testing?

  • Initial consultation
  • Fertility Testing
  • Discussion with the specialist

During your initial consultation, the specialist understands your concerns and takes an account of your lifestyle factors, present health conditions, menstrual cycle, and more. Certain tests to check fertility are also recommended.

What is the cost of Fertility Testing?

The cost of each test may vary. After evaluating your case, the specialist recommends various tests, based on which an approximate Fertility Testing cost in Pune, India can be calculated.  Get in touch with our experts for a consultation and estimated cost of fertility testing.

Why choose Heal and Care Clinic?

Heal and Care Clinic is among the best centers for fertility testing in Pune, India, owing to its in-depth, accurate diagnostic services that have helped many couples battle their fertility problems with timely treatment. Dr. ManishaPatil is the best fertility specialist in Pune, India, and understands how the emotional and physical damage infertility can cause, ensuring that each patient is treated with compassion and utmost care. Our cutting-edge technology allows for a precise result without ambiguity. Get in touch with our experts for a consultation.

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