Understanding What Causes Pimples: Lifestyle and Hormones



About the Pimples

Pimple-free skin is liked by everyone. It looks more attractive. Generally, a pimple is a small papule or pustule. It is a part of acne. Pimples on the face are most common around puberty, but they can happen at any age. During puberty, many hormonal changes occur, resulting in the production of various hormones in the human body. As a result, sebaceous glands located at the base of hair follicles become overactive. Pimples are most likely to occur around menstruation for women as well as during the teenage years. Pimples mostly occur on the face, chest, back, or even shoulders of the human body because most of the sebaceous glands or oil glands are present in these areas of skin. 

Types of pimples

Pimples occur in several forms. These several forms of pimples have different signs and symptoms.

Whiteheads (closed, plugged pores): These are small pimples that remain under the skin and appear as a small, flesh-colored papule.

Blackheads (open, plugged pores): These are visible on the skin’s surface. They are dark brown or black due to the oxidation of melanin, the skin’s pigment. However, some people mistakenly assume that these are caused by dirt because of their color. So, scrub their faces vigorously to get rid of it. In this case, rubbing the face is not helpful. It may irritate the skin and cause other skin problems.

Papules: These pimples are solid, small in size, and rounded bumps that rise from the skin. They are often pink in color.

Pustules: These pimples are full of pus and visible on the surface of the skin. Its base is red, and the pus is filled on the top.

Nodules: These pimples have a similar appearance as papules, but they are larger. It can be painful and embedded deep in the skin.

Cysts: These pimples are visible on the surface of the skin. These are filled with pus and are also painful. It commonly causes scars.

Causes of pimples: 

The main reason for pimples on the face is that the pores become clogged with sebum or even due to dead skin. It leads to infection as well as inflammation. Apart from this, a hectic lifestyle also causes pimple formation.

High sebum production by the sebaceous gland

Sebaceous glands are tiny skin glands that release sebum, a waxy or oily substance that lubricates the skin or hair. Sebaceous glands, or oil glands, are present inside the pores of the skin or even all over the human body, except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. But they are more on the face and scalp as compared to elsewhere. These glands produce an oily substance inside the pores of the skin, and new skin cells also grow here. That’s why discards of dead skin cells are done, but sometimes they are not. They persist in the pores and get stuck together due to sticky sebum that causes a blockage in the pores. Pore blockage mostly occurs during puberty because sebaceous glands produce more sebum at this age.

Bacterial infection

An increased presence of bacteria on the skin causes pimples on the face. When sebum and dead skin cells collect and block a pore, this increases the growth of undesirable bacteria that harm the skin. It can reproduce more than previously and become an irritating problem. This leads to skin inflammation and spots. Although pimples are related to bacterial infections, pimples are not contagious by nature, it means not spread out from one person to another. . 

Hormonal changes

Androgenic hormones are produced more during puberty in boys and girls. That’s why sebaceous glands enlarge and make more sebum. Apart from hormone changes, abnormal formation of keratin (a protein that helps to grow skin, hair, and nails) is done during midlife, mostly in women, which leads to breakouts too.

Dietary factors

A healthy and balanced diet always promotes good health, but unhealthy habits related to dietary factors affect the likelihood of getting pimples. Healthy fats from dry fruits, seeds, and olive oil may help control inflammation. Vitamins A, C, D, and E all play a major role in maintaining healthy skin, so an adequate supply of these vitamins in the human body may help to prevent pimples and promote pimple-free skin.


Skin comes into contact with greasy or oily substances like lotions, oils, or creams that clog pores. Instead, oil-free cosmetics don’t clog pores. But if it cannot be removed for a long time or regularly, then it interferes with the skin and causes pimples.



Pimples occur due to dirty skin. Friction or pressure on the skin caused by items like telephones, cellphones, helmets, tight collars, and backpacks causes pimples. Even scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing it with harsh soaps or chemicals irritates the skin and causes pimples on the face.


Stress doesn’t cause pimples, but if they already appear on the skin, stress may make them worse.


Prevention of Pimple:

Pimple skin care isn’t difficult or even impossible during normal hormonal changes. The following tips may help:


  • Wash the face once or twice a day with warm water and a mild facial cleanser.
  • Use moisturizers according to your face type on a regular basis.
  • Always use non-comedogenic makeup products of good quality and remove them at the end of the day.
  • Regularly wash your hair, including the hairline and forehead.
  • Keep hair gels and other harsh chemical products away from the face.
  • Do not touch your face with your hands too much.


At the present time, the hectic lifestyle of people is the most common reason for pimple formation. The skin gets irritated by the things that come into contact with it, and pimples form. Sometimes it affects someone more than others. So, to get rid of pimples easily, Heal and Care is one of the best solutions for pimple treatment in Pune.

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