About PRP

FAQs about PRP

1. How is PRP performed?

The first step involves collecting the blood of the patient in a syringe. The blood which is collected is then spun and processed in a centrifuge, which separates its components. The platelet-rich plasma derived from the processed blood is then injected or micro-needled into target areas in the skin or hair.

2. How does PRP work for anti-aging?

PRP, when injected into the skin, stimulates the production of collagen to repair the skin, essentially kick-starting the natural healing process. By producing more collagen, the skin gradually becomes tighter and smoother, reducing fine lines and wrinkles to give the face a hydrated, youthful glow.

3. How does PRP work for hair loss?

An effective treatment for hair-loss, PRP is injected into the deeper layers of the scalp to stimulate the existing follicles to grow hair faster and thicker, and promote new hair growth.

4. Who is a good candidate for PRP?

Patients who have a weak quality of hair and delayed hair growth can opt for PRP to achieve their desired results. Additionally, anyone who wishes for rejuvenated skin that appears youthful and nourished, with diminished signs of aging can opt for PRP through injection or micro-needling as well.

5. How many sessions are required?

PRP is a natural treatment, due to which instant results aren’t seen. Typically, 2-3 sittings conducted with a 3-4 month gap between each one are enough to see visible results. However, the specialist recommends a specific treatment plan for each patient depending on their goals and condition.

6. Is the treatment painful?

Pain is mild, with mostly a sting being felt from the needle. However, patients with low pain tolerance can opt for a numbing cream to be applied before the procedure, for a completely pain-free procedure.

7. Is the treatment safe?

PRP involves using the patient’s own blood, due to which there is no risk of infection from the procedure. Moreover, when conducted by an expert, the chances of complications occurring are minimal.

8. When can I see results?

Results are visible within a week, with the skin tone gradually becoming even, and the face appearing tighter and more youthful. You will also notice a decrease in hair fall, with the existing hair appearing thicker. The results continue to build over the next few months.

9. How long do the results last?

The results are visible years after treatment as well. However, once the effects of the treatment are completely achieved, it is recommended to undergo PRP once a year to keep the results from fading.

10. Are there any precautions to be taken?

The specialist advises you on certain precautions to be taken before and after each session, for a smoother procedure and recovery. The precautions differ from patient to patient based on the location and complexity of the treatment.

In case you have any further questions about PRP treatment, email us on drmanisha2910@gmail.com or call 8605912013 to get your queries resolved.

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