About Cancer Screening

FAQs about Cancer Screening

1. What is the purpose of Cancer Screening?

Cancer Screening is a routine checkup to check for the presence of cancer in people who do not exhibit any symptoms of having it. This allows for early diagnosis and treatment before the disease progresses further.

2. What makes a good Cancer Screening test?

Screening tests that have a history of delivering accurate, precise results with high-quality imaging technology are considered to be good Cancer Screening tests. Additionally, many types of cancers have their own set of tests relevant specifically to them.

3. Who should opt for Cancer Screening?

Patients who have a genetic risk of developing a form of Cancer opt for Cancer Screening. Additionally, many people undergo Cancer screening as part of a routine check-up, or if they may be at risk of cancer due to lifestyle or environment factors.

4. What happens with the Cancer Screening results?

The results of the screening tests are initially read by the specialist who does an in-depth analysis of the results and then consults with you on the follow-up steps to take. You will also be provided with a copy of the results for your reference.

5. How do I begin the Cancer Screening process?

The initial step is to consult with our specialist and discuss the motives behind getting screened. We then recommend the necessary steps and tests to be conducted, for a precise diagnosis of the presence or absence of cancer in your body.

6. How often should I go for Cancer Screening?

Depending on your risk factors, the doctor recommends how often you should be getting screened for cancer. However, most people go for Cancer Screening once every year, unless suggested otherwise.

7. What is a bad Cancer Screening test?

Any test that does not possess the accurate technology or mechanism to diagnose a form of cancer is a bad Cancer Screening Test. For examples, solely diagnosing cancer on the basis of a simple X-ray is considered a bad screening test.

8. Will I be exposed to radiation during Cancer Screening?

Most imaging technology involved in the screening of cancer involves some radiation. However, the amount of radiation you are exposed to is minimal and does not cause adverse effects on the body in any way.

9. How do I reduce the risk of developing cancer?

Though there is no guarantee that taking precautions help with preventing cancer, you can take various precautionary measures to reduce the risk. Some are to exercise every day, stay hydrated, avoid smoking, among others.

10. What are the risks of Cancer Screening?

Many cancer screening tests are not perfect. Many tests may show a false negative (where cancer does not show up), or a false positive (where cancer is mistakenly diagnosed)

In case you have any further questions about cancer screening, email us on drmanisha2910@gmail.com or call 8605912013 to get your queries resolved.

When will I start growing hair in the transplanted area?
The transplanted hair will fall off a month after your hair transplant procedure, and new hair begins to grow between 3-6 months.

Are the results of Hair Transplant permanent?
Yes, the results of Hair Transplant are permanent. As the hair follicles are taken from the back of the scalp, the amount of hair fall in the transplanted area is the same as the donor area.

How many grafts will I require for Hair Transplant?
The number of grafts you require depends on the area to be covered for the transplant. Our experts assess your case during the consultation to understand your goals of the treatment and decide on the number of grafts required.

Are there any side-effects of Hair Transplant?
You may experience some swelling, discomfort, or numbness in and around the transplanted area, which subsides within a few days. The doctor can also prescribe some medication to overcome numbness.

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