Puberty and Adolescent Clinic

Puberty and Adolescence Counseling

Adolescence is perhaps one of the most challenging periods for both, children, as well as their parents. Various physical and psychological changes take place, during adolescence, which is between the ages of 13 to 19 years, which can be quite hard to maneuver and deal with. Puberty is a unique experience for each child, with self-esteem and power dynamics being directly affected. While some go through an easy transition, other adolescents and their parents may need an extra push and the right guidance in order to deal with the challenges that come with entering a new period in their lives, with the help of Puberty and Adolescence Counseling.

What is Puberty and Adolescence Counseling?

During Puberty and Adolescence Counseling in Pune, India, both, parents and adolescents are counseled separately, as well as together, in order to come to terms with their feelings. Adolescents are guided through recognizing and dealing with their feelings during this period of vulnerability, as well as learning ways of self-assessment and self-improvement, which make them feel more positive and confident about themselves. Parents are given an idea on how to deal with their kids through this tough period, as well as understanding the cause of breakdowns or mood swings, without being overly critical or distant from their children. Puberty and Adolescence Counseling is a holistic, wholesome therapy that bridges the gap between parents and children, with helping each one understand themselves better.

What are the benefits of Puberty and Adolescence Counseling?

There are numerous Puberty and Adolescence Counseling advantages for all those involved.

  • Helps adolescents deal with their emotions and feelings in a healthy manner
  • Allows adolescents to identify their own areas for self-improvement, and work on them
  • Gives parents advice on dealing with their child’s behavior during this period
  • Helps adolescences with goal setting and emphasizing their strengths
  • Enables all-round personality development
  • Helps parents comb through specific incidents and how their effects

Who can opt for Puberty and Adolescence Counseling?

Puberty and Adolescent Counseling can be opted for by parents and adolescents who find it hard to deal with:

  • Physical changes due to puberty
  • Change in family dynamics during adolescence
  • Emotional distress and low self-confidence
  • Deviation in behavior of both, parents and children
  • Personal or professional life changes brought on by puberty
  • Their sexuality and sexual urges

What is the process of Puberty and Adolescence Counseling?

Any parent or adolescent requiring help through the tough time of puberty can opt for Puberty and Adolescent Counseling in our renowned center. You can choose the number of sessions, as well as whether you would like to be counseled alone or in a group. After your initial session, our counselor advises you on any alterations in the number of type of sessions that would be better suited to you. You can opt for counseling with as many sessions as you require.

Why choose Heal and Care?

At Heal and Care, our expert counselors treat each case with compassion and expertise. We understand that not every adolescent or parent is the same, with each one having their own set ideologies, as well as issues they face. We ensure that each session is conducted in privacy and confidentiality, keeping you feeling safe and comfortable at all times. At Heal and Care, we aim at giving you a space that enables self-improvement at every step of the way.

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